Medical Device Manufacturing Companies

The manufacturing industry has been booming on a global scale, and in Mexico alone, there are more than 5,000 foreign manufacturing companies with the infrastructure to support their needs. Medical equipment manufacturers are moving their industry to Mexico, entrusting their life-changing products to reputable industry parks and shelter service providers like Tetakawi.


In this article, we’ll discuss medical device manufacturing and why working with top companies in Mexico is a cost-efficient, top-quality option for offshore and nearshore manufacturing.


Medical Device Manufacturers: What Are They?


Medical device manufacturers construct and develop a wide range of instruments, equipment, and implants for therapeutics, diagnostics, and monitoring. They do this by utilizing good manufacturing practices for medical devices, such as the best practices standards set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada (among others). These practices result in the development of state-of-the-art medical devices that can help resolve or alleviate complicated healthcare issues.


The top-rated medical device manufacturers must provide a range of equipment and services, according to the Medical Device Network. When you are looking to hire suppliers and manufacturing companies, there are several considerations you need to address. Whether you are contracting for a full-service contract with a manufacturer or looking for manufacturers for secondary packaging solutions for medical devices or pharmaceuticals, be sure that the company provides:


  • Medical device development and consultancy services
  • Medical device testing
  • High-precision motion control components and systems
  • Power supplies
  • Microfluidic platforms for automated sample preparation
  • Laser micromachining systems
  • Smart digital transformation for the medical device industry


The company you work with must provide services such as designing, material selection, manufacturing processes, testing process feasibility, technology development, inspection and quality-checking processes, and process implementation.


The Main Segments of Medical Manufacturing


Some companies may specialize in particular segments of medical device manufacturing; this can impact their labor forces, materials needed, and testing processes. When looking for companies to partner with, be sure to determine whether they specialize in cardiovascular devices, irradiation devices, patient recovery and noninvasive devices, neuromodulation and spinal devices, or diabetes devices.


Bear in mind that many manufacturers can and do specialize in all of the above or in multiple segments of medical device manufacturing. 


Benefits of Manufacturing in Mexico


Medical device manufacturing in Mexico has skyrocketed within the past several decades, creating a robust and trustworthy market for companies searching for high-quality manufacturers. In fact, Mexico is home to some of the top manufacturers of medical devices in Latin America–including Johnson & Johnson, Welch Allyn, and GE Medical Systems–and has exported more than $9 billion USD annually in medical equipment, products, and supplies. This industry alone has generated 140,000 jobs in Mexico, making the country the eighth largest manufacturer of medical devices in the world.


Companies have been transitioning to offshore options regarding medical device manufacturing for decades, and with good reason. Both offshore and nearshore manufacturing comes with a multitude of benefits, but more so for industries manufacturing in Mexico. Some of the key benefits include:


  • Lower labor costs
  • Lower raw material costs
  • Favorable trade agreements with partner countries (including the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA], EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement [SICE], and Japan-Mexico Free Trade Agreement)
  • Outstanding infrastructure
  • Skilled and talented workforce
  • Proximity to western markets


This list contains several benefits, but the list goes on. The bottom line is that companies can develop, test, and produce high-quality medical devices that result in satisfied, repeating customers with decreased expenses and lowered overhead costs. These companies benefit from decreased expenses and improved margins without sacrificing quality.


Medical Device Manufacturing With Tetakawi


Tetakawi helps companies launch, operate, and thrive in Mexico’s vigorous medical device manufacturing industry. Our company has more than three decades of experience in the Mexican manufacturing industry, utilizing strategies driven by experience and customizing our approach to the needs of your company or corporation. We take pride in our ability to take on the overwhelming administrative work, allowing your team to focus on providing the highest quality medical devices and innovating new devices to improve the lives of others.


What can Tetakawi do for your company? All we ask is you select the right location for your medical device maquiladora (a factory located in Mexico run by your foreign company) and let us take care of the rest. Tetakawi can configure the legal, organizational, and support structures necessary to recruit and train employees, manage all admin functions, and help your company launch its manufacturing base in Mexico. For more information, contact us today for your own Custom Service Plan!


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