Manufacturing Community Saltillo, Coahuila Newsletter 2017

News from ZAPA:  April 2017

The Offshore Group - ZAPA has had a productive year so far! Our new client, new youth soccer program, and awards and certifications are helping us celebrate the 20th anniversay with pride.

New Client

Nelson Industrial Inc. signed on early in the year, and their facility is moving along well. 

Offshore Group Clients in Saltillo
Nelson Industrial is a modern manufacturing organization dedicated to engineering and production of proprietary and custom-designed metal products. Our distinct capabilities revolve around technical competencies and managerial expertise. The superior ability to reliably service our competitive market is founded on our operational strength, supported at its core by versatile resources, flexible processes and a customer-centric culture. - Nelson Industrial

Youth Soccer Program 

A New Soccer School for our employee's children has just started!

Offshore Group youth soccer program - ZAPA

A four month soccer school opened March 18 for children of ZAPA employees between the ages of 5 and 12. Each Saturday the little futbolistas will take time to learn, play and enjoy drills, scrimmages and more!




20th Anniversary!

The Offshore Group is celebrating ZAPA's 20th anniversary in Saltillo, Coahuila! Stay tuned to learn more about the park's achievements over the past 20 years.  

Offshore Group ZAPA 20th anniversary

ZAPA's Director of Operations, Miguel Hernandez, is proud to be reaching this milestone of success over the past 20 years and excited for the next step in the company's future.

"20 years represents a very significant achievement because Zapa was the first Offshore Group company outside of Sonora. We celebrate this 20th. anniversary, consolidated as a dynamic company with strong fundamentals, which is ready and prepared for new challenges." - Dir. Miguel Hernandez



In celebration of 20 years, we'd like to highlight various certification completions and awards ZAPA has recieved. These are:

  • Green Industry Certificate - This certificate is given to companies that, after an audit from the “Secretaría del Medio Ambiente” (Equivalent to EPA in the US), from the State of Coahuila, “show evidence of compliance above and beyond the requirements of the environmental laws”.
  • Diverse and inclusive company - This certification is granted by the “Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social” (Equivalent to OSHA in the US). It is very important as it is given at Federal level. It means that Zapa is a nondiscriminatory company and that we employ people with disabilities and  / or regardless of their gender, religion or any other preference.
  • Family-responsible company - It is also granted at federal level by the Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social” (OSHA in the US) and it means that we have implemented practices which promote the family integration of the people working for Zapa.
  • Environmental Leader company - Granted by Coahuila’s “Secretaria del Medio Ambiente” (State EPA), meaning that our company has shown leadership among the companies stablshed in the State, due to its best practices in favor of the environment.
  • Mission Accomplished - This was given to me by the City’s Fire Department, after finishing my 3 years term as President of the Fire Department Council, which is an honorary assignment (with no salary) to promote the continuous improvement of the Saltillo fire department.
  • Water treatment Plant - You may just mention that we are currently treating 100% of the water in the park. The water could be used for irrigation, so there are not discharges to the sewer anymore.

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