Renewable energy summit highlights Mexico's focus on green power

For any manufacturer in Mexico, having a stable source of power to keep production and distribution channels running smoothly is crucial. In addition to working with a highly-skilled labor force, companies that offshore in Mexico depend on energy integrity, which recent reforms have aimed to address. Still, private enterprises also play a significant role in making sure businesses operating manufacturing facilities in Mexico are able to remain part of a reliable supply chain that largely avoids disruptions in producing, importing and exporting goods.

Energy leaders gather for MIREC 
The online manufacturing resource Manufactura indicated the third annual Mexican International Renewable Energy Congress will provide a forum for a variety of domestic and international companies to discuss and plan for clean energy projects. Alejandro Piñero, coordinator for MIREC, explained the federal government has already set a goal of having 35 percent of all installed energy capacity be drawn from green sources by 2024, but stakeholders still have a lot of ground to cover, including regulations and legislation.

Expected to attend are a variety of companies in the renewable energy sector, including Iberdrola, Acciona, EDF Electricite de France, Cannon Power Group and Kyocera. Each of the enterprises specialize in various aspects of green energy production, ranging from project development to equipment procurement. More than 40 exhibitors and 700 attendees are expected to attend MIREC and will discuss investment opportunities in Mexico to establish renewable energy contracts and projects.

Geothermal energy shows potential
At the same time, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, secretary of energy for the Mexican government, has signaled the Ministry of Energy's support for renewable energy by investing over US$18 million into the Mexican Center for Innovation in Geothermal Energy. The facility located in Los Azufres will work to train a skilled labor force for working in the renewable energy sector, and it will be the location of technological innovation during the next several years.

An initial investment of nearly US$4 million has allowed individuals working at the geothermal center to begin research and compete for development projects aimed at creating a more sustainable energy grid. The government expects the center will increase interest from foreign companies willing to inject investment capital, in addition to helping create more highly-skilled labor. Coldwell went on to explain how it's important for Mexico to generate more electricity efficiently while consuming less, which will ultimately make it more financially feasible for companies to build new manufacturing facilities in the country.

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