Tetakawi's COVID Vaccination Events Support Manufacturers and Communities in Mexico

Cases of COVID-19, as well as hospitalizations and deaths of COVID patients, have declined significantly in Mexico as the country's vaccination program has taken hold and driven down infection rates. This vaccination effort is being supported by companies like Tetakawi, which is simplifying the process of securing vaccinations for employees across its industrial parks in Mexico and members of the communities in which they operate. 

In May, Tetakawi leadership in Guaymas and Empalme, Sonora, oversaw Pfizer vaccinations for more than 1,400 employees ages 50 to 59 at the Roca Fuerte and Bella Vista industrial parks and 1,200 people at the Zapa manufacturing community in Saltillo, Coahuila. 

Streamlining Mexico vaccination events


As one of the largest privately-owned employers in Mexico, Tetakawi has supported state and federal governments in rolling out vaccinations for the communities in which it operates. Tetakawi has coordinated arrangements for volunteers at each event and provided space and the infrastructure needed to maximize the events' effectiveness. Because Tetakawi's Manufacturing Communities maintain onsite clinics as an employee benefit, industrial park medical staff and H.R. and Environmental Health and Safety team members were available to support the vaccination efforts. 

As with other countries, the Mexican government has faced its shares of challenges in rolling out an even vaccine program, making the support of employers invaluable in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and driving progress toward herd immunity. With this in mind, Tetakawi has also extended its vaccination efforts to employees' families and local employers operating beyond its industrial parks. 

For example, at the Zapa vaccination event, 200 employees brought more than 340 of their direct family members to secure their vaccinations and spread the effectiveness of the COVID vaccination program throughout the community. At the local government's request, Zapa provided space and support for other local companies to partake in the Tetakawi-led program. 

Daimler Trucks, which produces truck bodies in Saltillo, provided an ambulance and medical personnel to support the effort and the vaccination of its employees at the Zapa industrial park. Employees from other automotive manufacturers across Saltillo—including GHSP, Thyssenkrupp, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, Metalsa, Flambeau Inc., and Seats Inc.—were invited. More than 700 people from these neighboring companies were vaccinated at the event. 

"I am glad Tetakawi did this for me but, more importantly, for my family," commented one employee of T.E. Connectivity, a Guaymas-based sensor manufacturer, following the event. "This is to everyone's benefit. My employer is happy, my coworkers are happy, my family is happy, and the community is one step further in the right direction."

Supporting manufacturing employees and communities


Despite the scale of these vaccination efforts, Tetakawi worked to smooth the process flow to get employees, their families, and community members in and out of the facility in less than 30 minutes. 

By simplifying this process, Tetakawi helped boost the number of community members who were able to take time from their day to secure the vaccine. This has been a problem even in the U.S., where a recent census estimate found that roughly 30 million American adults who are open to getting a coronavirus vaccine simply hadn't found a way to do so. In Mexico, where vaccine shortages have made accessibility difficult, and some vaccination sites have had lines that keep people waiting for hours, providing quick, easy access to care has been a game-changer. 

"Having these done in the park made it so much easier for our people and us," commented an employee with aerospace manufacturer BAE Systems Inc. "I took advantage of the situation and got vaccinated myself. I found the whole experience to be very organized and extremely efficient." 

"This was an extremely convenient process," agreed an employee of medical device manufacturer Medtronic. "I did not have to miss a whole day of work to wait in line in the hot sun. Also, the facilities here were clean, air-conditioned and everyone was extremely friendly. If I did not have this option, I probably would have had to wait a few more months for my vaccine."

Not only did this onsite event boost vaccine accessibility for interested employees, but it also supported employers by reducing absenteeism that could have an impact on manufacturing productivity.  

As Mexico prepares to open its vaccines to additional age groups, Tetakawi staff is getting ready to support fresh rounds of vaccinations to connect all employees with critical care. It's all a part of Tetakawi's mission to support manufacturers, their employees, and the communities in which they operate in reaching their maximum potential. We've long recognized that onsite access to care and amenities helps employers attract and retain leading talent, but we see these vaccination efforts as one of the most important ways we've helped our manufacturers care for their most important asset: their people. 

To learn more about the ways operating at a Tetakawi manufacturing community could support your company in Mexico, contact us today. 


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