3 recruiting trends for shelter companies in Mexico

Businesses that have made the decision to outsource aspects of their firm to a shelter company in Mexico must be able to trust the the enterprise they are working with is able to bring in the right employees to carry out their processes. In addition to traditional channels of recruitment, enterprises are now are being more proactive in their recruiting strategies. The Internet has unearthed a whole new sector of potential candidates to fill open positions that recruiters are trying to fill. Here are some of the talent acquisition trends that LinkedIn revealed in its recent global study:

Recruiters are benefiting from social professional networks
Shelter companies have the need for different types of employees, and recruiters are turning to LinkedIn and other sites to add to their candidate database. Currently, 39 percent of talent leaders said social and professional networks as their top recruiting trend that is expected to stick around for an extended period of time.

"Recruiters are increasingly using professional networks, like LinkedIn, to find and hire the right person for a job - regardless of whether they're an active or passive candidate," Leela Srinivasan, group marketing manager at LinkedIn, told InformationWeek.

Businesses are trying to build up their firm
Some of the most talented jobseekers want to work for companies that are forward-thinking and not resistant to change. By showing candidate's the shelter company's thought process and future strategies, they may become impressed with their operations and see a future for themselves at the business. Recruiters believe it is increasingly important their their enterprise to have a strong reputation, especially during times when the company is trying to bring in new employees.

Data is playing a bigger role
Big data and analytics are becoming more popular with businesses throughout the world, and talent leaders are using their insights from business intelligence tools to their benefit. This is one of the ways that The Offshore Group is able to recruit specialized labor for its clients in Mexico.



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